Brighton switch blinking problem resolve

If your Brighton switch is blinking on/off, then follow the following steps.

First you need to know which relay you switch is controlled on. For example this switch is controlling relays 1-4. To know this, do this by go into Program Switch–>(associated switch #)–>(associated button#)–>record the number after LCP1:


*LCP1: 1 means that the specific button of the switch is controlling relay #1 of panel #1

Go back to associated buttons and do it for all buttons and record the number after LCP1


**Those number are going to be your relay numbers.

In the above 6 button switch I set button 1 to be toggling relay 1, button 2 to be toggling relay 2, button 3 to be toggling relay 3, button 4 to be toggling relay 4, button 5 to be set relay 1-4 all on, button 6 be to set relay 1-4 all off.

This means that this 6 button switch controls relay 1-4. Do the same for the second switch, I know then the second switch controls relay 5.

Now exit to the main menu and go to Group Loads–>select the group where it controls relay 1-5(in this case group 2)–>Change Mntn+Blink to Maintain



Click on exit and save the change.